This is a story that spans over several generations of one family amidst historical events at the end of XVIII – beginning of XIX century. The protagonist is Ignacy Ścibor Marchocki, a charismatic man of outstanding organizational and diplomatic skills. Fascinated by the philosophies of Jean-Jacques Rousseau and Sebastian Mercier, he creates and develops a unique sociocultural state within a state called Minkovets State. Minkowce State is a multinational community, inhabited by Ukrainians, Poles, Russian Old Believers, Belarussians, Jews, Tatars, Karaites, Gypsies, and it requires of Marchocki to demonstrate his unique ability to find common ground with different people, his friends and enemies both, while retaining their traditions, everyday ideology, and freedom.
The story of the noble Marchocki family incorporates processes of formation of a young state, political disagreements, love affairs, rivalry between fathers and sons, and takes advantage of the protagonist’s tendency to come up with unpredictable solutions in the face of urgent challenges to create necessary dramatic tension, stimulating spectators’ interest.
A special place in the story of the Minkowce State is held by a Polish-Ukrainian motive which has always been very important for our history. This is our country's first project in which a leading Polish television channel showed great interest and in the creation of which it wishes to participate. The team of internationally known Endemol Shine Polska media company is also working on this show.
Director, scriptwriter, theater director, actor. Graduated from Kyiv Fine Arts Academy (1981), Kyiv National I. K. Karpenko-Kary Theatre, Cinema and Television University (1987), Moscow Higher Courses of Script Writers and Directors (1989, Roman Balayan Art workshop). Worked as a theater director in Kyiv, Lviv, and Budapest.
«Village doctor»
(Grand Prix of the Highest Courses of Script Writers and Film Directors, Moscow, 1988, screenings at International Film Festivals in Clermont-Ferrand, London, Warsaw).
«The Different one»
(Prize for the best directing at Vita Longa film festival, Moscow,1989, prize for the best feature film at France-Ukraine International festival, Kyiv,1992).
«The Sound of the Wind»
(Prize in film Festival «Brigantina», Berdyansk, 2002, prize for the best male role at Love Is Folly festival, Varna, 2003).
Theater projects:
«Carmen» Budapest, Magyar Theater, 2001
«Le Bourgeois Gentilhomme» Budapest, Uj Theater, 2003
«A Midsummer Night’s Dream» Budapest, Uj Theater, 2004
«L’Avare» Budapest, Uj Theater, 2007
«The Taming of the Shrew» Debrecen, Cskonai Theater, 2010
Endemol Shine is a media company that produces and distributes multiplatform entertainment content. The company annually produces more than 15,000 hours of programming across scripted and non-scripted genres, including drama, reality TV, comedy, game shows, entertainment, factual and kids programming.