«Super City»



«Super City» is a Lithuanian prime-time entertainment show on LNK TV channel. In this project the country's major cities are competing with each other to find out which city is the most talented and friendly. Which one is truly worthy of this status? Today we have an exclusive opportunity to represent the «Super City» format.

10 cities are divided into two groups so that each city takes part in every second show. Further into the season cities lose and get eliminated from their groups, and at the end of the season winners from each group meet in the finals and the superfinal. Every episode consists of four different rounds: singing, comparing social activities of citizens and their participation in the life of their cities, talent show and a sports competition.

During the whole season each city is represented by a captain – a celebrity who was born or lives there. Each city is being cheered by their fellow townspeople in the studio. The winners are selected by both public voting via mobile and jury delegation.

The project is not pinning opponenets against each other, it's designed to unite the country with pride, patriotism, and talents of its citizens.

Which is the best city in your country?

• First season of «Super City» had the audience rating at 23,3%

• Second season of «Super City» had the audience rating at 26,8%

• It had the best Sunday night raitings across national Lithuanian TV channels.

The format is ready for distribution.